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Laser depilation


How does photoepilation work? Is it safe?

Unwanted hair is one of the most common aesthetic problems. Compared to traditional techniques, laser hair removal is the most modern, effective, safe, long-lasting, comfortable and fast method to progressively remove hair permanently.


The new cold air cooling devices (Zimmer® Cryo 6), which are attached to laser hair removal systems, make this technology virtually painless for most patients.

To achieve a delay in follicular growth using photoepilation systems, it is enough to damage the papilla, while to achieve a good result in laser hair removal, it is necessary to damage the stem cells (Stem Cells) of the area of the protuberance (Bulge) and of the papilla. Thus, in laser hair removal, the hair pigment (melanin) absorbs light, heats up and transmits the temperature to the adjacent stem cells, destroying them.

The laser is not carcinogenic (teratogenic) because the light it emits is in the range of visible and infrared light. It is a non-ionizing light, so there is no risk of tumor stimulation.

In addition, hair removal is performed by specialized personnel and always under the supervision of a doctor, thus guaranteeing the safety of the patient at all times.

In addition to the aesthetic benefits, there is the medical efficacy of laser hair removal, since it allows to satisfactorily treat hair problems in cases such as folliculitis (inflammation at the level of the hair follicle that in many cases does not come out because it remains "encrusted") and in cases of hirsutism (excessive hair growth) in both men and women, with guarantees, as long as it is performed by specialists.


Why is a medical evaluation and an initial trial test necessary?

Laser hair removal is a specialized procedure that, in order to offer all its potential advantages, should not be left in the hands of just anyone. The qualified personnel who perform laser hair removal must be able to anticipate any eventuality that may occur, as well as to have repercussions on their knowledge in a greater efficacy of the treatment and therefore in a smaller number of photoepilation sessions.

In laser hair removal treatments, the supervision of a doctor will be necessary, who will not only take a medical history, but will also advise on the most appropriate photo-epilation technology for the patient's hair and skin type, and will set the optimal parameters for treatment in each session. Any man or woman can undergo laser hair removal, from puberty and for any area of the body, including beard, nose or ear hair, between the eyebrows, pubis, buttocks, etc...

Already in the first informative consultation, a trial test will be carried out to assess which photoepilation technology is the most appropriate, as well as adjust the parameters indicated for each skin phototype and hair color. This test will guarantee the therapeutic efficacy of the photoepilation treatment, avoid the appearance of possible adverse effects as well as quantify the degree of sensitivity of each patient. This completely free test will be carried out at different times during your treatment to guarantee maximum effectiveness with minimum risk.


With the latest generation laser hair removal systems, optimal and long-lasting results are obtained.

To obtain the best results, laser hair removal treatment intervals must be related to the anagen/telogen cycle, in such a way that each session affects different groups of follicles. With photoepilation systems, the hair is progressively removed, since only the hair that is in the anagen phase of the growth cycle is permanently affected. It is the hair shaft itself that carries the laser energy to the root to destroy it (in the case of Diode and Alexandrite lasers), the Neodymium-YAG laser being an exception, since it acts directly on the vessels that nourish the hair bulb.

With these laser systems it is possible to eliminate around 80-90% of the hair, since the rest can be affected by hormonal changes that accelerate the "awakening" of these bulbs and thus facilitate the appearance of hair that had previously been at rest.  (no stem) and it may happen that some hairs (that have never emerged before) come out over time, so it may be necessary to do a review session every so often (months or years). The best results in laser hair removal are achieved with the strongest and darkest hair, although there are other factors that can influence the results of the photoepilation session.

It is, however, essential to remember that the hair bulbs that are in the "non-active" phase of growth or "dormant hair" at the time of treatment (represent 10-20% of the total body level and 30-40% at the facial level), they may grow at any time in the individual's life, giving rise to the appearance of "growths" in the medium and long term after photoepilation sessions. In addition, it is not possible to remove very light and fine hairs, nor gray hair, since as they lack melanin they do not allow the conduction of the light released by the photoepilation systems. In these cases we must resort to traditional electric hair removal, in very expert hands.

Before, during and after treatment

In the event that the skin is more tanned in any of the photoepilation sessions, the patient must be depilated with a longer wavelength system, as is the case with the Neodymium-YAG laser.


The average duration of a photoepilation session ranges between 15 and 60 minutes (depending on the area to be treated), and normal activity can be continued immediately, since it barely produces a slight redness that disappears in a few minutes or hours.

No special care is required, just avoid sunbathing and the use of self-tanners the days before the laser hair removal session and do not expose yourself to the sun in the days after (restrictions may apply up to a month after treatment).



What affects its effectiveness: sessions, intervals, other hair removal?

The recommended intervals during the first laser hair removal treatment sessions are 4 to 6 weeks. Too short or too long intervals between laser hair removal sessions imply a loss of effectiveness. The use of wax, tweezers or electric hair removal between sessions is not recommended, as the normal anagen/telogen growth cycle is affected.

However, shaving is accepted if the patient cannot wait until their next appointment with hair on their skin. The number of laser hair removal sessions is related to the percentage of hairs in the anagen phase. For example, if there are 20% of hairs in the anagen phase, at least 5 laser hair removal treatments will be necessary. This is only theoretical and indicative, since hair growth is asynchronous and each follicle has independent cycles.

The laser only affects hair follicles in the anagen phase of growth, which have an absorbent hair sheath, and the therapeutic effect achieved depends on the use of optimal energy (fluency) in each treatment session. When the hair in the telogen phase grows back, it may seem that there has been no reduction in hair density in the treated area, when in fact what has happened is that only those that were in the anagen phase were destroyed. To obtain the best results, the treatment intervals must be related to the anagen/telogen cycle, in such a way that each session affects different groups of follicles. Therefore, the number of sessions depends on the area treated, the type of skin, the density of the hair, its depth and its growth cycle. In general, between 4 and 8 are usually necessary, but it is very variable.



Is the price of a laser hair removal session really indicative of the final price?

Not really. Taking the price of a session as the main factor when deciding on a center can be very expensive. Cheap sessions are being carried out for long periods of time without safe and effective devices, without professionals who define the best moment for the skin, the best wavelength of the most appropriate technology for that particular patient, at that precise moment.

Since photoepilation systems began to be used in Spain at the end of the 1990s, the generalization of their use by the population has made it possible to substantially reduce the cost of treatments, but be careful, some beauty and aesthetic centers have allowed themselves lower costs and use a low price per session as a way to get clients, with the use of a single low-cost machine with dubious effectiveness and safety, applied by personnel with very low qualifications far from the medical field.

In the end, if different lasers are not available for different types of hair and medical supervision is not available to use them correctly, the overall treatment will be less safe and effective, it will take more time and, therefore, the cost ends up being the same and the possible problems greater. If you really run away from irregularities, inefficiencies and eternal treatments, you are in good hands.


The selection of the wavelength in photoepilation treatments must be based on the maximum absorption coefficient of the pigment contained in the structure that we wish to destroy (the melanin of the hair follicle), in contrast to the absorption coefficient of the surrounding tissue.

Today there are mainly four types of photoepilation systems (with different wavelengths):

  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) systems: found in beauty salons and barbershops.

  • Laser hair removal with Alexandrite (755 nm): lighter skin phototypes, with dark hair, in medical centers.

  • Diode laser hair removal (810 nm): darker skin phototypes and dark hair, in medical centers.

  • Laser hair removal with Neodymium-YAG (1064 nm): especially indicated when there is little color contrast between hair and skin (dark hair on dark skin, light hair on light skin, in medical centers. This latest type of laser hair removal technology It is especially indicated for people who have been previously exposed to ultraviolet light from the sun (it is a safer photoepilation system than the others) or even for hair that is located deeper (such as that on the back of men).

What areas of the body are treated with laser hair removal?

The laser is used for all types of hair, both facial and body, although it is much more effective (fewer treatment sessions) on thick, dark hair on light skin. White (grey), blonde and red hair can only be removed with electric hair removal, unless you have a bulb that still retains its original dark color.

Does the common disappear  hair “inside” cystic: folliculitis?

It is one of the most appreciated aesthetic-medical benefits of laser hair removal, the satisfaction of the patient with folliculitis, an inflammation problem at the level of the hair follicle that in many cases does not come out because it remains "encrusted", it is total in all cases. .


extra small area

areolas, eyebrows, fingers/toes, upper lip, intermammary line, lower linea alba, nose, pinna, and sideburns.

extra small area

armpits, hands and feet, reduced chin, ears, perianal and cheekbones.

medium extra zone

forearms, neck, groin, linea alba complete, lower back, chin enlarged.


½ legs, abdomen, thighs, arms, full face, buttocks, ½ back, chest.

extra big



extra small area

areolas, between the eyebrows, eyebrows, nose, pinna.

extra small area

armpits, intermammary line, lower linea alba, fingers/toes, scrotum, reduced chin, ears, perianal and cheekbones.

medium extra zone

forearms, neck, groin, linea alba complete, lower back, chin enlarged.


1/2 legs, abdomen, thighs, arms, full face, buttocks, chest.

extra big


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